The King's Speech (2010)


"The King's Speech"
Major Genre: Drama - Biography / History
MPAA Rating: R- Restricted
Length: 118 mins - 1 hour 58 mins
US general release date: 24 December 2010
UK general release date: 7 January 2011

It is a heart warming and encouraging movie. The high depth of field style is capturing the details of actors and actresses great acting and facial expressions. In my opinion, though I do not see the quality of having nomination of cinematography; however, I do find it way too similar to the German movie, "Mein Führer" (2007). If you have watched My Fuhrer, you will know what I mean. Do not get me wrong; I like both movies. To me, it is sad, because Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are doing a tremendous job on representing the characters. Just that “The King’s Speech,” is slightly shadowed by a pervious great; cannot shine as bright as it could be.

Maybe because of the script setting which defines leading and supporting role, Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor respectively, but both have almost equal weight in parts and play-time. Since this movie is a drama filled with many conversations, lots of close-up shots, head shots, which require and demand a lot from the actors' and actresses' performances. Not to mention that the rest of the cast members are doing a wonderful job for that. Although they are in the background and can’t be nominated, 3-tier supporting role, like Lionel’s wife, Winston Church, Archbishop, etc, are with great talents and actings as well.

 I, personally, vote that Best Actor in Leading role and Supporting role are going to Colin Firth and Geoffrey =)  But Best Cinematography, Directing and Best Motion Picture, chances are low.

My Suggestion/ Grading: “If you want to be part of this year Oscar-conversation, this one is one of them you should watch. And if you didn’t watch “My Furher” before, you will enjoy it very much, and you wanted to be a British citizen in King Geroge VI’s time and to listen the speech live to your ears!"
[Spoiler Alert]
Some thoughts on the side: "A nice reminder of, which one you rather to give up: your own pride or a goal that could benefit many, let's say, the citizen of your countries? Colin's King George VI shows the struggle of being a Royal and asking for a no-name small potato for help."


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