Some Thoughts About the X-men Movies Timeline

Okay. I find out that the only fault could be, "Professor X's hair."
If "X-Men: First Class," Charles is already bald, everything can be explained.

I'm not kidding.

In "First Class," in the 60s, Charles & Erik visited Wolverine at the bar is totally make sense, timeline wise, because James (or Logan or Wolverine) has lived more than 100 years (based on Original: Wolverine, fought in the Civil war, WWI, WWII...) Note: Charles' hair is still there.

And based on "X-Men: The Last Stand (or X3)," Charles and Erik visited Jean Grey together. That means, before they took different paths at the end of "First Class," they have already been visited Jean Grey (Note: Charles' hair is gone). Then, "Original: Wolverine," Professor X talked to Scott in the air and picked up those kids by helicopter (Professor X is bald in that scene), included young Emma Frost, could slightly make sense... HOLD ON, picked up Scott is still making sense, but young Emma, still couldn't fit in both "Original: Wolverine," and "First Class."

From Marvel Comic, Scott & Emma maybe around the same age and they actually have romantic storyline after Jean Grey passed away.

And Professor X once said, Scott is one of his first student. In "First Class," that school only started at the very end of the movie, but Emma Frost is already a fully grown lady helping Shaw...

Anyway, even the fixed Professor X's hair... hahaa... still couldn't fit in where Emma frost that will make sense in these 5 X-Men movies.

Very confusing... could someone really know X-Men history and can explain (or agree that there is an timeline error amount those movies =P hahaha thanks.)


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